On 9th December 2022 Internal and external stakeholders in MPS Tema Port were sensitized on the need to be wary of activities that contravene the Anti- Bribery & Corruption Acts and Code of Conduct of the company. The day started with the Chief Executive Officer of MPS, Mr. Mohamed Samara and the Senior Management Team visiting the departments to hold briefings on the subject. This saw an engagement with the Finance, Human Resource, Operations, and IT teams.
The action was in commemoration of the 2022 International Anti-Corruption Day under the theme: All responsible and committed.
The CEO in an address citing examples mentioned that the Company was governed by a Code of Conduct that every employee was expected to abide by in the discharge of duties.
“It is a day to recognize the need to combat corruption and the associated acts. Corruption is not just about receiving something small or just a policy that must be rolled out. Corruption affects us in our lives. This is about as fighting a battle that affects even in our private lives.
One of the biggest elements of the anti-corruption drive is the abuse of human rights which we all are entitled to. It is inhumane for anyone to take advantage anyone because of some form of enticement. We need to stop corruption and not accept it in any shape any form.
MPS has for the years withstood all forms of corruption to ensure the sustainability of the business. The company’s resolve to go by the right procedures in its operations has proved that when things are done through the right means, it is possible, and businesses prosper.”
The Head of Legal & Compliance Mr. Frank Ebo Brown who directed the observance of the day admonished staff to be cautious of using their positions/roles for personal gain as it is detrimental to lives around, the sustainability of the business and in effect results in economic retrogression.
“Corruption as has been said prevents us from being sustainable, beyond that it destroys the environment. At MPS we have standards that we follow in our operations, if these standards are not adhered to then we are at the risk of being sanctioned by the regulatory bodies. When we look at what is happening around us, we see the devastating effects of corruption. Corruption can damage society and damage our future. We always need guidelines so that we can preserve what has been built”
“We should always be cautious about gifts. Every gift has a motive behind it that we must examine so we do not put ourselves and others at risk”.
The COO, Mr. Curtiss Dakpogan welcomed all and mentioned that although Corruption seems to be becoming a norm, it was important to create an exception.
“What is important is to recognize how corruption can destroy the reputation of a company. We probably live in an environment where we think corruption is a normal thing but nowadays it is something that is quite serious, it doesn’t matter how big or small, corruption is simply not tolerated. One thing I would like everyone to think about is that sometimes we think corruption is the preserve of the political actors and these in high positions, but corruption can happen at any level so keep that in mind.”
At a session with Authorities, the present Chief Custom Officers in charge of Preventive and Outdoor Collection, indicated that Customs and by extension the Ghana Revenue Authority are enjoined by the Arusha Declaration to avoid all forms of acts that allude to corruption
‘’ For us Customs we are governed by Arusha Declaration which dwells on reforms, mobilization, audit. In fact, Customs also has a gift policy that we use in our line of duty. We are moving from one level of Transparency to the other, even the single window is an example. I believe that we are making a headway and gradually we will get there. We also need all our stakeholders support to accomplish it” Madam Manda Salifu, the Chief Customs Officer in Charge of Outdoor Collection said.
The Chief Revenue Officer in Charge of Preventive, Mr. Ernest Appiah Boakye further shared practical experiences to buttress the point that one act can result in breaking down an established system and result in loss of lives.
Meridian Port Services Ltd (MPS) by virtue of its composition is signatory to the Global Compact which enjoins participants in its tenth principle to avoid bribery, extortion, and other forms of corruption as well as to proactively develop policies and concrete programs to address corruption internally and within their supply chains. MPS is also party to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), UK Anti-Bribery Act and SAPIN II.
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