As part of efforts to further enhance its operations, MPS has completed preparations and successfully launched the IFS 10 also dubbed WOW 10 (Way of Working) joining one of the MPS shareholders (APM Terminals) in integrating the latest version of IFS with the aim to standardise and streamline our business and prepare for future growth.
At a Go-Live ceremony on Tuesday, 4th October 2022, the Procurement Manager, Goodnews Dzramedo, who led the implementation team shared some details on the journey undertaken by the user departments to arrive at the destination. He stated that with the firm determination of the senior management “things worked in our favour and we were able to prepare and adequately resource” and attributed the implementation success to the commitment of the entire users and the support received from the shareholders.

The Chief Finance Officer Mr. Thomas Bulow reflected over it and highlighted that “We, all users, have had intensive hands-on trainings at all levels and taken full benefits of the trainings as it has been also an eye opener for us and now going forward, we certainly have an opportunity there or maybe call it an obligation to take full advantage now of the simplifications, standardization and the collaboration that the new system offers.”
Two Key users from the Finance and Asset Maintenance Departments shared their thoughts.
When asked what his experience has been and what next improvements he might be thinking about, the Finance Manager-Mr. Matthieu Cadi responded.

“Overall this journey has been a very good and healthy process. At the beginning there was excitement, curiosity. We went through all kinds of feelings, there was a bit of anxiety at some point where we realized that there was a challenge but there was no challenge that the team could not overcome. It has brought the team outside of its routine and we were able to have a fresh new look at IFS and I look forward to us having an app on our phone to validate POs directly from the phone.
Albert Amankwah, an Inventory Officer commented on how users can cope with the upgrade.
“I think the users will need to understand the importance of IFS 10 and the value it will add to their work. IFS 10 is like IFS 7.5, so we will be able to benefit from the experience and knowledge that we already have. IFS 10 comes with an improved user-friendly interface and this is a big plus when you’re learning new ways of work. Finally, I believe that the more we practice using IFS 10, the more we are able to own it and the more we will get used to the new way.”

The CEO Mr. Mohamed Samara on his part emphasised MPS’ unique ability to swiftly adapt to change and innovation.
“At MPS we label ourselves as the most efficient or the most sophisticated, the best Terminal in the sub region here in Africa and with that. We specifically focus on the high level of digitization that we have in all our departments that pulls straight to benefit our customers. Couple of years ago, before the move into Terminal 3, our digital penetration with our clients was 3%. Today it is 97%. We have not only improved in this digitization journey, but also, we have taken our stakeholders and here I’m talking about the whole port community along. This upgrade to IFS 10 adds so much significance to our digital footprint.”
Mr Samara also highlighted the support of APM Terminals. “In our company strength analysis, we have always recognised that we are able to draw on support from shareholders’ network and this is a big example of our ability to draw on support and beefing up our digital infrastructure through our shareholders’ network.”
All Management Members present commended the departments for putting in the work to ensure the ensure the success of the implementation.
Present at the ceremony were some lead key users from the Finance, Asset Maintenance and Procurement Departments of the Company.

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