On Thursday, 29th September 2022, Employees of Meridian Port Services Ltd joined the staff of Bollore Logistics Ghana to embark on a 5km walk in the Tema Port Enclave. This was as part of the annual global walk organised by the Bollore Group.

The Chief Executive Officer of Meridian Port Services Ltd, Mr. Mohamed expressed the events such as this allows the two groups to network while engaging in an activity that benefits the health of individuals.

The walk started with a warmup session of aerobics to kickstart the walk. Following which Management Team members of Meridian Port Services Ltd and Bollore Logistics Ghana led the team to embark on the walk.

The pace started from the office of the Bollore Logistics Ghana to the premises of the MPS Terminal 3.This year’s edition was special as it marks the 200-year anniversary of the Bollore Group.

Gathering at the MPS Terminal, the Managing Director of Bollore Logistics Ghana Mr. Thibaut Lame rehashed the rationale for the walk and commended all for participating.

The Marathon Day was created in 2016 by an initiative of Cyrille Bolloré, CEO of Bolloré Group. Each year the Marathon Day brings together employees from around the world to walk, run or cycle for the benefit of charity organizations whose work centre around young people. 

In all 230 staff from both companies participated in the Marathon covering a total of 1150km. At the completion of the exercise, it was evident that each person was excited to be part of such a memorable and remarkable feat.