60 Judges from the Superior Courts of Judicature, Ghana comprising the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court Judges paid a working visit to Meridian Port Services Limited (MPS) Terminal 3, Port of Tema.
This visit followed a 2- Day Maritime Law Seminar organized by Ghana Shippers Authority (GSA) in collaboration with the Judicial Training Institute (JTI) to allow the judges to be abreast with changing trends in the shipping and maritime industry. The seminar concentrated on two main topics- ocean governance and maritime trade.
The Mayor of Tema, Hon. Felix Nii Anang-La in a welcome address described Tema as a unique Port City, stating that the visit of the judges was timely and necessary to enable the judges have a clear understanding of developments in the Port of Tema and how the Tema Port Expansion Project would position Tema as a hub in the Maritime Industry in Africa.
In line with the President’s Call to elevate “Ghana beyond Aid”, My Office will continue to collaborate with industry players to position the Tema Port on the Global sphere as a major trans-shipment hub ready to receive the Regional maritime Traffic. As we strengthen this position, it is important that we equip our Agencies with the requisite safeguards to be able to ensure sanity within the Maritime space.
The Management of MPS, represented by the Legal, Licences and Permits Manager, Mr. Frank Ebo Brown, elaborated on the core business of the company and its prospects.
While we build on our efforts to create a cutting-edge container terminal to realize the vision of Ghana as a Gateway for Africa, boost economic growth and development, MPS takes cognizance of the fact that the Port remains an entry point into the nation as such we have established and follow strict internal security arrangements to safeguard national revenue and border security.

We adhere to the provisions of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) which is a comprehensive set of measures to enhance the security of ships and port facilities. In our quest to promote efficiency at Terminal 3 we do not compromise on safety. The LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) and PUWER (Provision and Utilization of Work Equipment Regulations) are guiding principles in our operations to ensure that we do not compromise on safety and efficiency. Mr. Brown said.
The Judges in their comments after discussions, acknowledged the need to have further engagements with establishments such as MPS Terminal 3 to deepen their knowledge of port operations in particular and the shipping and maritime industry in general.
The delegation ended the visit with a tour of the Terminal They were taken round the facility to appreciate the magnificent infrastructure including the completed Phase of 2 deep water berths and yard fitted with state of the art cranes, In the process they observed first-hand the process of loading and offloading containerized cargo. They also saw the yet to be completed second phase of what is fast becoming the trans-shipment hub of West and Central Africa.
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