250 employees of MPS celebrated a very special Workers Day at the new terminal, where the expansion and modernization works are coming to an end in a few weeks.

The employees gathered to celebrate the Workers Day in solidarity with workers all over the world. This May 1st, 2019 will also be a historic one as it will be remembered as the first event at the new terminal.

Addressing the visibly excited employees, the CEO of MPS, Mohamed Samara, stated that “In Tema, we are here at the closest place to the 0°0 point on Earth. We are not only geographically speaking at the center of the world. We have also established ourselves as the heart of the global maritime trade.

After reminding all, of the successful history of Meridian Port Services, the CEO paid a special tribute to his workers’ hard work and talent, as the new Terminal 3 is getting ready to go live in a few weeks. “I am taking this opportunity to deeply thank you for your daily commitment and hard work that have allowed us to push the boundaries of our business always further. What we have accomplished is unique”, said Mohamed Samara in front of his team. Showing the horizon line by the sea, he added “Our business horizon is now even more widely open and full of promise. And today, I would like to share with you our upcoming destination with the inauguration of Terminal 3 in a few weeks”. He explained that this new terminal was taking MPS to a new business dimension. “Our way of operating and doing business will fully adapt to this new infrastructure. Our brand has to do the same”.

The CEO unveiled the new logo of MPS and touched on the two main changes.

  • The mention of “port” has been added next to the word “Tema”, to highlight MPS core business activities. The company wants to stress its leadership in the maritime industry at the national and global scale.
  • MPS has also captured its mission into a meaningful signature, added to the logo. « We connect, you thrive » embodies the mission of the new Terminal 3. Resulting from an intense and fruitful thinking, it reflects on MPS’ ambition and vision to open up opportunities for all thanks to its increased capacity.

The Legal Manager, Mr. Frank Ebo Brown mentioned that MPS’ has a deep commitment to advancing the most state-of-the-art technologies and plays a key role as an essential intermediary between various trading opportunities, at different scales. “MPS operates as a go-between at different scales: it connects the Northern region of Ghana and the hinterland countries (Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali) with export opportunities on worldwide markets. It connects Eastern and Western shipping routes at a global scale, from Asia to Europe. It connects Ghana and the Western African region with new and more affordable sourcing opportunities. Connecting territories together with their needs is definitely MPS mission, for which Tema has a central role to play.”


Again, MPS is keen on developing everyone’s business and improving everyone’s daily life. Ghana as a whole will thrive thanks to the additional revenues MPS will generate, for the benefit of its socio-economic development accelerating. Cocoa exporters will thrive because they will be able to export their commodities to new markets and therefore will develop the cocoa industry with more added-value activities. Truck drivers will thrive because they will no longer spend hours and days waiting for their containers to be unloaded at the port, with no visibility. MPS workers will thrive because they will be offered to develop their skills on a continuous basis, with the best technologies available in the maritime industry.

On his part, the Operations Manager for the company, Emmanuel Ohene Addo thanked his team and encouraged them to put in their utmost best in the coming years. We have always been pacesetters in the area of technology and we are still upgrading it. Now it is time for us all to to put in more effort for increased productivity. This new technology does not only benefit the port, it benefits us all as employees of MPS. If previously, as an operator, you were able to make a maximum of 20/25 moves and now because of this new technology, the moves increase then it is means that the technology has enhanced your skills and level of output which is a positive achievement.

With its new signature, MPS makes a bold claim for its socio-economic role. Mohamed Samara concluded: “MPS’ activities are not just about handling containers, our commitment and impact go far beyond that.  We are here to create jobs on different levels and promote a robust economy. This unprecedented investment will translate into thousands of indirect jobs. From the farmer to the freight forwarder to governmental agencies to security staff and to the trader in Makola.  As trade increases, the organisations have to respond to these changes by employing more workers to grow their companies, this thus creates employment around the whole port community and beyond.” It further gives a strong back bone to the government’s initiative of the 1 District, 1 Factory. This new terminal creates the gateway for bringing in raw materials as well as exporting finished goods from these factories to the rest of the world. This emphasises one thing only…jobs, jobs, jobs and more jobs.