In October 2017, MPS awarded EIFFAGE GENIE CIVIL the contract to undertake land and civil works. This included the Power works Supply (MV &LV) and Power Distribution Network for 12MVA at 20kv including ducting, bus bar installation, cabling, lighting poles, reefer racks etc.
To ensure minimum loss of operational productivity for the new Container Terminal the design incorporated a power station that is capable of providing power for the entire Operations of all Gantry Cranes (Quay and Yard cranes) and ancillary equipment including all buildings and facilities (Administration, Workshop, Gates, platforms etc.).
The main incoming power is provided by ECG and in case of loss of power, generators have been sized for the total load of the Port including any future expansion.
The generators for Phase 1 are 4 x 3Megawatt (4 x 3MVA), which as a comparison would be capable of providing electricity to four thousand two bedroom homes with some air-conditioning.

The system between the ECG mains power and the generators is fully automatic i.e. in the event of an ECG main failure the generator will start automatically and provide electricity to the port until the ECG mains power is restored.

As works progress at the Port, the first batch of the newly installed cranes were recently connected to the ECG permanent mains power. The lights of the cranes can now be sighted from a far distance within the Tema Township.
The cranes at night.
Our commitment to sustainability
As world organisations become more conscious of the need to improve efforts aimed at conservation of the environment. MPS is not left out with its commitment to reduce carbon foot prints by investing in fully electrified Ship to Shore cranes and e-RTGs.
The acquisition of these cranes means that there will be less dependence on diesel which causes the release of pollutants into the air in line with the UN SDG Goal 13.
At the end of it all, as MPS makes room for increased trade and economic opportunities, it also focuses on lessening the challenges of climate change for a healthier future.
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